Monday, December 30, 2019

Analysis Of In-Game Honor - 1031 Words

From Ubisoft you can always expect similar content for many games repeated all over again. This title is trying to avoid this prejudice pretty originally. Under the cover of technical problems and often discussed in-game payment system for cosmetics and credits is hidden real diamond in terms of gameplay. In the game there are three main fractions. Do not think about how its not realistic and just enjoy them because in the game you will meet Samurais, Vikings and European Knights. There is a huge conflict between these sides going on because of the lack of water and food. All these battles are making the warriors tired and only one supporting their battles is Apollyon, leader of the knights. War gives her life meaning. And she is also the†¦show more content†¦You dont need it that much in simple blocking and only thing you gonna have out of it is showing your opponents that you are defensive type of player and he can get more aggresive. But the real hell starts when you learn your own combos and counterattacks. Every character has its own unique attacks so you will have to master it on a single one before you will want to try anybody else. You think you can spam your opponent with just clicking and attacking? Well this never works because of stamina and you will die easily be fore you can even recover, so lets learn! To all of this add the fact that maps are rich and offers you places to go. You will find spikes, holes, cliffs, fires and all of these can make your opponent a bad day. Well this perfect combat system and reactions are definately not something easy and I felt like an amateur almost every battle I entered because you just wont learn the game in one afternoon. And this is the geniality of the game. Very tactical and also very fast game where you have to consider all the possibilities. Your beggining will be tough, no doubt and you will most likely experience desperation and frustration but when you learn something about the game, For Honor starts to be a fun game for you. Important part of multiplayer are game modes. You can choose between classic 1v1 duels, 2v2 brawls, 4v4 dominions where you have to capture important map locations or 4v4 team deathmatche with or withoutShow MoreRelatedData Collection Write Up : For This Action Research1033 Words   |  5 PagesData Collection Write up: For this Action Research, I conducted two whole group semi-structured focus group discussions in order to compile the inquiry data. Both discussions centered on a core set of questions that related to attitudes toward honors classes, ways they learn, and their academic future. In the first focus group, conducted at the beginning of the Action Research Project, seven of the eight boys participated. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Octavian Augustus - 1310 Words

Octavian Augustus is known as the first, and one of the greatest, Roman Emperors ever. Octavian enabled the long, peaceful time of the Pax Romana by changing Rome from a fragile, crumbling republican government to a mighty empire. Octavian’s government was strong enough to withstand weak emperors who mismanaged the Empire as well. His changes proved to be the cornerstone of the greatest empire the world has ever seen. The Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, was a time of great prosperity for all people under Rome’s rule. Roman citizens enjoyed the spectacles of the gladiators in the coliseum and the comedies performed at the many theatres. The Romans are attributed with the development of concrete, which enabled them to build large structures†¦show more content†¦Octavian was favored by Caesar from an early age. In 48 Caesar had his fifteen-year-old great-nephew elected to the priestly college of the pontifices, and he also enrolled him in the hereditary patrician aristocracy of Rome: Octavian joined Caesar in 46 B.C.E on campaign against Pompey in Spain. Later, Octavian was sent to Apollonia, on the coast of Greece, to attempt to finish his education. While in Apollonia, Octavian trained with Roman legions stationed there. Only months after arriving in Apollonia, Octavian learned that Caesar was murdered. He also learned that he was named as the beneficiary in Caesar’s will and had been formally adopted as his son. The will thrust tremendous power on Octavian. He was now the leader of a great army ready to follow the commands of Caesar’s heir. Octavian used this army to occupy Rome and force the Senate to make him consul. Marc Antony, who had been consul with Caesar, was now forced to create the alliance with Lepidus, a high priest, and Octavian. The three leaders divided the land that Rome had conquered. Antony controlled the East and Octavian the West. Lepidus controlled Africa. The leaders led a ruthless campaign to punish Caesar ¹s assassins but soon turned on each other. Octavian first attacked Lepidus and took control of Africa and all of Italy. Antony strained relations between Octavian and himself by divorcing Octavian’s sister, in favor of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. Finally, inShow MoreRelatedFrom Octavian to Augustus: The Death of the Republic and the Rise of the Principate1382 Words   |  6 PagesAugustus, who was once named C. Oc tavius, was the grand-nephew of Julius Caesar. Due to Caesar’s death from the uprising in 44 B.C., it was stated from his will, that Octavian was to be adopted as Caesar’s son. So his name was changed to C. Julius Caesar Octavianus (Porter, 2010). Later throughout his political and military career, he controlled Rome under the title Augustus (Brand, 2013). 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

How the Evolution of Mobile Phone Affect People Communicate Free Essays

How the evolution of mobile phone change the way people communicate? Previously, people used to communicate with some of the earliest forms of communication devices included smoke signal, morse code, and pigeons. With all these communication devices, messages probably need weeks or months to reaching its destination. With the invention of mobile phone, all you have to do these days is send a text or make a call and your message will reach its destination within minutes. We will write a custom essay sample on How the Evolution of Mobile Phone Affect People Communicate or any similar topic only for you Order Now THE EVOLUTION OF MOBILE PHONE Nowadays, mobile phone is no longer a want but is a need. Everyone including people from teenagers to old people has a personal cell phone of their own on their hands. You couldn’t imagine how a mobile phone looks like in the past; it is totally different from now. Improved technology has made a great change in the history of mobile phones, transforming the huge mobile phones into sleek and stylish smartphones we carry with us now. Let’s take a look at how mobile phones developed from the bulky walkie-talkie look to today’s swipe-savvy descendants. Previously, a mobile phone use to be like this. The design is huge and with a long antenna. A few years later, mobile phones became a little more defined and better looking than how they were before. Antennas were shortened and the designs modified. Only text messaging service and voice call service are included in the function of mobile phone. Besides making a call and texting a message, there is nothing else a mobile phone can do. In 2000, the world’s first touchscreen phone has been invented. More and more advanced technology was included in this world’s first touch screen phone. Besides than making a call and text a message, user can also get entertained from the phone. There are some simple games included in the phone and a lot of simple applications such as a calendar and a calculator. The image shows a Motorola phone which has a simple black and white touchscreen. Next,  technology has undergone a big change in history of mobile phones, putting a colour display and integrating camera to mobile phones, producing the mobile phone with a basic camera. Users can take pictures on the spot when needed with the phone and they need not to carry a digital camera with them wherever they go. Sooner, mobile phones are no longer limited to single screen. This model has a small screen on the outside to notify calls and text messages coming in, and a big screen on the inner for the user to type messages and carry out other functions of the phone. There are some mobile phones built for delivering great music. A button for music playback and memory support has made the gadget become a great gadget for enjoying music anytime and anywhere. Now, is the time to talk about the most popular phone used by many of us nowadays. There are many company compete in producing smartphones such as Samsung, Apple, Blackberry and so on. All this advanced touchscreen smartphone are operated by iOS or android, enabling a lot of apps to run on the smartphone. Apps are available in many categories such as games, book, business, communication, education, travel, music and so on. This has make smartphone become a multifunctional device that you must carry with you all the time. You can contact to each other as easy as ABC Evolution of mobile phone has changed our communication easier. With the basic function of making a voice call and text messaging service, we can keep in touch with our loved ones. Look at the past, we communicate with each other by letter, and it takes long time to receive. For example, if your loved one had moved to a country far from you to pursue his or her study, and both of you only can communicate with each other by letters. It took a few weeks for a letter to reach to your loved one and a few weeks later for the letter to reach back to you again. This is a waste of time and money. The cost of sending a letter overseas is quite expensive if you regularly contact with each other by letter. But now we have mobile phones, we can connect to each other in a second. By just a click on the tip of your hand, you can have a voice call or a text message to your loved one. It is easy and cost effective. In recent years, mobile phones have become a basic part of life as the number of users of mobile phones has increased. Also, mobile phones are cheap to purchase. There are many reasons why people support and use mobile phones. Millions of other people also support for similar reasons. For example, many people around the world like to use the mobile phone for social networking. There are a lot of social networking websites available on mobile phone nowadays. Some of the examples are Facebook, Twitter, Skype. With smartphone operated by android system, users can even have multiple social networking applications such as Viber, Whatsapp, Line and many others. If there is a need to talk to friends or families, you can do it from anyplace and at any time. Some of it can also find the friends that had already lost contact and keep in touch again. Besides, you can also take pictures of where you are or what you are doing and post this information to your mobile phone. You can update photos or videos and show your friends and family what you are doing. This ensured the relationship between you and your friend and between you and your family will be maintained with the power of mobile phone. Mobile phone has change our language Have you ever noticed how the usage of mobile phone has changed our language? On Facebook you â€Å"like† things. Like is a great word but now it is used for much more. And you also â€Å"comment† on things. All these words may be familiar to us in our life but now when you hear these words you will automatically think of Facebook. In our daily conversation, we may also use â€Å"like† to express that we agree on something. For example, when your friend said something that you think is very true, you will say: I wish to give you a â€Å"like†. This shows that how a simple word has a different meaning when we expose to mobile phone frequently. We also use letters for phrases rather than typing the whole thing out. Many people have been using abbreviations when texting with other people such as LOL, BRB, ASAP, OMG and so on. For individuals who are unfamiliar with these abbreviations, the message will become unclear. Table 1 : Some of the common shortcut used Shortcut| Original Phrases| BRB| Be right back| ASAP| As soon as possible| OMG| Oh my God| LOL| Laughing out loud| L8R| Later| BTW| By the way| 2MORO| Tomorrow| 2NITE| Tonight| The term â€Å"Google† is actually a search engine but now it also function as a verb. For example, when you look something up, you tell people you googled it. The interesting part is that people will exactly understand it. They wouldn’t misunderstand that you looked at someone. They will know that you researched something on the search engine. It changed the way people interact with each other Truth be told, almost everything can be done through the mobile phone nowadays. It started with online shopping where people can now just hold the phone on their hand and buy whatever they what easily. And then came mobile banking, as security became better and better, so did the people’s trust in providing their bank details and doing their banking transactions with their mobile phone. Breakdown of Communication One of the greatest disadvantages of the mobile phone is the fact that we do not talk to strangers when traveling anymore. In the past, several people waiting for a bus would engage in a conversation while they were waiting. People who travelled the same routes every day might develop friendships along the way. This situation does not happen anymore. Today when people are waiting for a bus, they just pull out their mobile phones and speak with old friends, missing out on the opportunity to make new ones. In large cities, many people do not know their neighbours, even though they may have lived in the same neighbourhood for years. As a society, we are beginning to lose the face-to-face contact that was such an important part of our lives in the past. Communication is at the core of every relationship, personal or professional, that you hold in life. A breakdown of communication caused by technology can affect your job, your friendships, your relationship with others, and your family relationships. In face to face communication your nonverbal communication, like facial expressions and body language, reinforce the tone of your message. These nonverbal indicators do not exist with technology based communication, making your message more likely to be misinterpreted. The user of mobile phone increases significantly from year to year. More and more people use mobile phone to keep in touch with family, friends, online shopping and even conduct business. The statistics shows how human communication has changed in recent years: 2006 Text Messages: 158 billion MMS Messages: 2. 7 billion Voice Minutes: 1. 7 trillion Cell phone subscribers: 233,041,000 Land lines: 140 million Twitter Accounts: just launched that July Facebook accounts: 12 million Skype accounts: 171 million 2010 Text Messages: 2. 052 trillion MMS Messages: 56. 6 billion Voice Minutes: 2. 241 trillion Cell Phone Subscribers: 302. 9 million Land lines: 153 million at the end of 2009, (but losing 700,000 a month) Twitter accounts: 175 million Facebook accounts: 500 million Skype accounts: 560 million In a nutshell, the evolution of mobile phone has change the way people communicate. The effects come on both positive and negative side. In positive side, mobile phone has make the world seems smaller and smaller because everyone can easily connected no matter where there are. Family and friends can keep in touch can up to date to the latest news. On the other hand, mobile phone also caused some form of communication breakdown. Face to face interaction has slowly being eliminated. Everyone seems need to be connected through the mobile phone and live in a virtual world. However, as long as we use mobile phone wisely, we can still maximize the function of a mobile phone to optimum. How to cite How the Evolution of Mobile Phone Affect People Communicate, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Management Initiative

Question: Discuss about the Strategic Human Resource Management Initiative. Answer: Introduction: The current market competition has forced the organisations to employ the skilled workforce so that the future organisational challenges can be met in a flexible way. However, the majority of the contemporary groups fails to increase the knowledge base of the skilled workers as much as required for achieving future sustainability (Paauwe, 2009). The lack of adequate training and development program has become a significant human resource management (HRM) issue for the organisations. Considering the fact, the current study aims to describe the brief of the firm Woolworths Limited and its HRM issues. Additionally, the researcher has given a detailed description of the problems, and adequate justification has been made on the need of improving the issues. Finally, the current practices of the firm with industry best practices have been conducted, based upon which, a set of recommendations has been provided to mitigate the current HRM issues of the business. Description of the firm and the HRM issues: Woolworths Limited is an Australian retail company which serves customers across the global platform (Lim et al. 2016). The companys primary retail division is the supermarket stores. Since its foundation, the company has made an employee strength of more than 2 million across the globe. However, it has been identified that the corporation is experiencing major issues in the HRM functions such as recruitment of skilled labour and the training development activity of those resources. Supporting to this fact, Lall and Zaidi (2008) stated that worldwide retail industry is experiencing severe skill shortages, especially in the customer handling and communication parameters. Furthermore, Noe et al. (2012) mentioned that the lack of training and development activity fail to reveal the diversity and complexity of the workforce and its associated benefits as well. The firm is experiencing the major HRM issues in the context of the higher employee attrition rate. This is due to matters in job description, rotation shifts, poor work life balances, lack of clarity in the training development and career opportunities. Considering the fact, Prytz and Scerbo (2015) stated that excessive workload and lack of work life balance reduces the motivation of the retail employees. Among these issues, training and development issues are mostly affecting the efficiency of the existing workforce. The workers are not experiencing adequate training as per the changing job requirements. As a consequence, the firm fails to meet the organisational goals. This is due to the lack of focus on the personal development plan of the employees. Also, it has been identified that in the year 2013, Woolworths invested $32.2 million for its learning and development parameter (, 2016). However, the execution of the development plan has been found less er than the corporate training activity. It resulted from significant failure in satisfying the global customers based upon complexity and variety in nature. Considering the fact, the current study attempts to analyse the training and development issues of Woolworths that is affecting the overall performance of the firm in its global operation. Analysing the current HRM issue of Woolworths Limited: Although Woolworths Limited attempts to formalise the existing knowledge of the employees for meeting higher business goals, it has been given below rates based upon the employee development plan. In this context, Chan (2013) stated that the training collaboration with TAFE had enabled the firm, ensuring natural knowledge management approach relevant to the operational model of the company. On the contrary, the job roles and the confidence among the employees are given lesser priority as compared to the other organisation. The past employee review also states that the firm lacks from cross-cultural training and warehouse management training (Hutchings, and De Cieri, 2007). Due to this, the majority of the trades assistant of the Brisbane, Queensland Brand fails to manage diversified customer requirements. Thus, evaluating the current HRM practices of the Woolworths, the current HRM issues can be segregated as follows: The lack of self-learning scope for the employees Poor prioritisation of cross cultural training program for the development of communication skills Lack of nonverbal communication program creates communication issues with the cross culturally diversified workforce and the customers as well. Issues with the cash handing training program and the changing methods of stock control. The employees state that increase use of IT is not at par with the current training and development program of Woolworths. Detailed descriptions of the training and development issue: Lack of self-learning and health and safety training: The budget formulated for the HR training and development program does not include a self-learning process for the employees. Although more than 660,000 courses had been undertaken by the employees across 845 courses, there is a lack of alignment between actual need with the class module (, 2016). On the contrary, McGrath-Champ et al. (2011) argued and stated that Woolworths encourages networking for the employees to drive the employee performance. However, Chan (2013) also criticised the view and indicated that the mentoring for employee development is based upon the future management and leadership roles. This lacks from the employee own developmental choices. Additionally, the lack of health safety training has also generated significant health and security issues among the workers operating in the retail floors. A lesser degree of cross cultural training: The sustainability report of Woolworths Limited indicates that the majority of the investment is made in the training and development for building future leaders and managers of each supermarket store. It has been evaluated that the functional training employed by Woolworths has successfully improved the employee knowledge regarding the team building approaches and meeting the organisational goals(, 2016). On the other hand, the lack of cross-cultural training program, creating misunderstanding with the diversified workforce as well. Eventually, the reduced trust among the workers is failing to meet the customer satisfaction ratio. Thus, the overall brand performance gets reduced. Cash handing and stock control training program issue: The need of developing training programs in the new areas such as store security, quick cash handling mechanism, and stock control program has emerged in the global retail sector. It has been identified that increased use of IT has changed the mechanism of a point of sales entry system. The employee review also indicates that more than 20% employee lack of reading spreadsheets. From the website (2016), it has been identified that a majority of the employees is facing cash handling issues and stock control training program. Eventually, the overall job performance, reduces, which significantly impact on the overall growth of the firm. Lack of nonverbal and diversified training to cope up with the changing demands: The lack of non-verbal communication training has failed to enable employees to maintain the non-verbal communication strategy with the customers and diversified workforce. Also, the lack of IT training across all hierarchical levels fails to meet the changing demands of the firm in its international business operation (Donnelly, 2009). The finance report published by Rebecca Hyam and Thuy Ong on 26th February 2016 indicates that Woolworths says almost $1 billion loss in the half year results (, 2016). The in-depth analysis suggests that the lack of overall operational goal and training development program have generated demotivation, which again created mass employee turnovers. Eventually, the firm failed to meet the projected business value in the last financial quarter (Cadman, 2013). Need of improving the issue: Analysing the current scenario of Woolworths, it can be stated that employees are more concerned regarding the job specifications as the more than 65% training module covers the job-related learning program. The apprenticeship program and induction are also found satisfactory as well (, 2015). The only thing which deviates from the benchmark industry practices is the employee self-learning, training in new technological skills, and the improvement of the communication process as well. More than 40% training module needs be conducted on handing new technologies. It could increase the operational process of the firm, thereby improving the customer satisfaction ratio. Soft and generic skills need to be conducted by more than 45% to satisfy the local and international customers as per the requirements. Thus, the firm could attain greater business profitability. Self-learning program could improve the analytical and logical thought process of the employees. Thus, cope up with the future challenges could become easier for the Woolworths Limited. Case for change: Steps Name of the field Changed justification Step 1 Context The change needs to be initiated in the context of Human Resource Management in Woolworths. According to Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2014), Woolworths had emphasised on the professional efficacy, thus, needs to reformulate its training program. Step 2 Changes The employee proficiency and behaviour would change. The self confidence amongst the employees would enhance automatically, which would reflect a positively impact on the organisational productivity. Step 3 Process Involving the managers to attend the training session Reward performing employees Offerings of the personal development training Reconstructing the employees with tech based training Step 4 Benefits The change would facilitate the firm to increase the expertise of the employees. The implementation of the change process would be a smart initiative to motivate the employees to increase the commitment. Step 5 Consequences In case the employees fail to provide the acute contribution towards the firm (Katsimi, 2008). The probability of customers and employees switching rate would increase automatically. Step 6 Expectations The employees would be expected to get aligned with the organisational objectives (Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2008). Therefore, proficient and professional behaviour would be expected, which would make a positive contribution wards organisational productivity. Comparing the current practices with an industry best practice: In the framework of the current context, Lancaster and Di Milia (2014) determined that the training and development structure of Woolworths have been designed to equip the expertise of the internal employees. The training department makes use of the rigorous assessment process to recognise and develop the efficacy amongst the employees to adjust he frequency of the functional transformation. The statistics of the previous report forecast that the employees in the retail industry are demanding for the personal development training program to enhance the self-analytical skills. The above effort would not only increase the professional proficiency. Considering the opinion of Mandhanya (2015), the modern trade had been developing with a rapid speed. Therefore, the expectations of the customers and product selection preferences are getting differed with time. The sudden change demands the personal operating internally to enhance the skill set measures to match up with the external situati on. In the similar circumference, Menezes and Vieira (2008) asserted that Woolworths have been highly efficient in providing the profile based training to the employees of all the departments. However, the employees are of the opinion that the profile based training would be effective when the staffs would enable to improve the personal development skills (, 2016). The sales executives are the spokesperson of the enterprise. Therefore, the sales executives majorly receive the training to mitigate the target pressure. Conversely, the sales executives are highly necessitated to increase the self-expertise to understand the behavioural aspects of the customers of diversified culture. Hence, the foundations of the employees are not effectually strong to handle to changing preferences of the external scenario. Therefore, the management of Woolworths, Australia is highly necessitated to conduct the personal development program to remould the personal laggings to effectually deli ver the professional requirements. Moreover, with the continuation of the latter statement, Tarique (2014) inferred that the competitors like Tesco, ASDA and Aldi had identified the internal flaws of the organisation. Based on which, each of the existing as well as the new employees receive the training session from utilising the training technique to the optimum level. According to Mahdavi et al. (2014), the management of Tesco had constructively formulated the training and development plan, which includes both the personal and professional enhancement schedule of the employees. Alignment of both the perspectives in the training module had facilitated Tesco to address the expertise of the employees within short time tenure. Thus, it had helped the brand to amplify the functional requirement within a minimal expenditure. However, the marketing measures of Woolworths are highly lucrative, yet, the lack of efficacy amongst the internal employees had been the major constraints of the enterprise. The marketing efforts hav e been standardised with the support of the PR experts, which encourage a huge base of prospective customers towards Woolworths products. However, the lacks of confidence amongst the internal employees are creating hindrance towards the organisational depicted revenue figure. In the similar background, Mandhanya (2015) determined that the employees of Woolworths are unable to match up the time fluctuation. The management had been experimenting with a different functional process to enhance the revenue margin. Conversely, the employees have already got accustomed to the certain organisational culture, whereas, a sudden change in the overall process is enforcing the employees to handle the job responsibilities in a different process. Consequently, due to the lack of training facilities, the employees of Woolworths are failing to adapt the changing criterions, due to which the outcomes of the delivered result gets negative. The lack of efficacies is enforcing the employees to invest huge tenure of time to redo the existing work. Recommendations for improving the changes in training and development activity: The recommendations have discussed below: Involving the managers to attend the training session According to Pierce and Maurer (2009), it is highly essential to involve the departmental managers into the training session. The managers are majorly responsible for the job allocation process. Therefore, the concerned persons are necessitated to understand the potency as well as the individual laggings of the employees. The new employees of Woolworths require the personal guidance of the managers concerning the work profile (, 2016). Therefore, the training module needs to include the managerial training techniques, which would enact be a guiding initiatives for the managers to provide the corrective guidance to its subordinates. Reward performing employees The newly trained employees get back to the workstations with increased confidence, renewed enthusiasm and high levels of competency. However, Mandhanya (2015) claimed that with a passing phase of time, the employees fail to apply the similar level of dedication towards the work profile. The specific action occurs due to the lack of permanent motivation. Therefore, the trainers of Woolworths need to have the permission of discussing the reward facilities with the employees. In the training classes, the employees remain in a relaxed mood, which increases the scope of conducting an interactive session (, 2016). Thus, the reward facility discussion in the training session would be a smart policy to imbibe the reward criteria and its benefits amongst the staffs. Offerings of the personal development training In the framework of the existing context, Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2014) denoted that the personal growth training automatically enhances the foundation of the employees. The particular approach would facilitate the employees to rebuild the individual expertise, which would be a smart initiative to emphasise on the professional development. The majority of Woolworths employees have to undergo the cross-cultural training as well. Consequently, the employees have failed to understand the sentiment and the professional expectations of the employees of diversified cultures. Therefore, the cultural gap in the similar enterprise had been the primary constraints that prevent the firm attaining the depicted profit margin. Reconstructing the employees with tech-based training The technical process is no more limited to the IT department of a firm. Indifferent organisations are converting the manual operating modules to the ERP process to track on the vast amount of database. However, the employees I n Woolworths had experienced a huge challenge to convert the operational process into the ERP system (, 2016). Hence, the employees require the training in the technological genre to implement the technical understandings. Conclusion: The study emphasises on human resource management issues the enterprises are experiencing in the Australian market. To understand the HRM scenario of the Australian retail market, the study had evaluated in the HRM function of Woolworths. Analysing on the internal situation of the firm, a conclusion can be derived that Woolworths have been efficient in providing the profession training to its internal members. However, the brand had lacked to include the modules that improve the individual proficiencies amongst the staffs. Therefore, the management needs to reformulate the training module to include the personal development plan as well. Reference: Cadman, C. (2013) Training is now more than simply ticking the right boxes, Human Resource Management International Digest, 21(1), pp. 3437. Chan, S. (2013) Learning through apprenticeship: Belonging to a workplace, becoming and being, Vocations and Learning, 6(3), pp. 367383. Diamantidis, A.D. and Chatzoglou, P.D. (2014) Employee post-training behaviour and performance: Evaluating the results of the training process, International Journal of Training and Development, 18(3), pp. 149170. Donnelly, K. (2009) Learning on the move: How m-learning could transform training and development, Development and Learning in Organizations, 23(4), pp. 811. Dysvik, A. and Kuvaas, B. (2008) The relationship between perceived training opportunities, work motivation and employee outcomes, International Journal of Training and Development, 12(3), pp. 138157. Hutchings, K. and De Cieri, H. (eds.) (2007) International human resource management: From cross-cultural management to managing a diverse workforce. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing. Hyam, finance reporters R. and Ong, T. (2016) Masters collapse drags Woolworths into billion-dollar hole. Available at:$1-billion-loss/7202004 (Accessed: 6 July 2016). Katsimi, M. (2008) Training Job Security and Incentive Wages, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 55(1), pp. 6778. Lall, M. and Zaidi, S.Q. (2008) Human resources management. New Delhi: Excel Books. Lancaster, S. and Di Milia, L. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Mirror By Silvia Plath Essays - Sylvia Plath, Mirror, Sylvia

Mirror By Silvia Plath By just reading the profound poem Mirror by Silvia Plath I am currently in a moment of weakness. As clich? as it might sound, it is utterly true. It is one of those pieces that will pull you in deep, but won't release until it is good and ready. It is that telling. It speaks the truth. By truly appreciating what Sylvia has presented, I will try to interpret every line. She first describes the mirror, it doesn't stereotype, and whatever approaches is neutral. The image quickly appears without a hint of second-guessing, the mirror does not dismiss or like the image, again it stays neutral. It doesn't exacerbate the object just sees and spews it back the way it is. These last details given by Plath are extremely brilliant. There is a vision of a woman bending over, trying to adjust her imperfections, somehow making them less visible. Making the mirror seem like an evil, Plath suggests it is like a mere candle or moon, where there is mystery present, and no sign of truth is to be told. Again there is another simple image, an image easily shown truthfully, and the simplicity of a back of a woman. The poem says ?faithfully? prompting the speaking of the truth, leading to absolute disappointment. Soon there are tears developed, ?She rewards me? hardly. Sure the tears speak of rewarding based solely on honestly and truthfulness. Not based on content with the image. The most important line of this piece is ?I am important to her. She comes and goes.? This is beautifully put. This is extremely profound yet so easy to relate to. There is a necessity of having a mirror. It speaks the harsh reality of society. It shows what to correct, what to dismiss. I truly embrace the last two lines of this poem. Even though the mirror is the utter enemy, the woman comes back repeatedly. This shows how much it is needed. Years go by staring at this object looking for answers. Apparently, the woman didn't take the honesty gracefully; she thus aged to a terrible fish. This was an extremely philosophical and weighty piece. I find myself relating to every line one way or another. Most people do. It was tragic, but brutally honest.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Education in Remote Areas

Education in Remote Areas Free Online Research Papers Today, education in remote areas falls far short of that in modern cities. The poor educational level in these remote areas deeply affects the improvement of society in these areas, the development of the economy and the overall improvement of our entire society. Very few teachers want to stay in remote areas because of poor living conditions and low salaries. This is why masses of youth step into society without proper education. They are more likely to be taken in because of their poor understanding of law and society. Their lives are flooded with torrents of information released by the various media outlets. They often feel confused and lose themselves in modern cities. They can easily go astray. Some become drug addicts. Some are obsessed with gambling and some may even commit crime and spend the rest of their lives behind the bars. They become dangers to society! It does no good to punish them. We have to solve the problem at source. Priority should go to education. With proper education, their lives could be totally changed. They would have a promising future! The government has already realized the essence of the problem and lots of measures have been taken. Still, there are many problems. I think the government should increase the state expenditure on education in remote areas. Rich people should donate some of their money to make education and living conditions better in remote areas. More experienced teachers should be dispatched there. This is my top concern education in remote areas. I hope this could be your top concern as well. Research Papers on Education in Remote AreasStandardized TestingInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationResearch Process Part OneCapital PunishmentQuebec and Canada

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Velocity in Soccer Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Velocity in Soccer - Research Paper Example The speed involved in the velocity is defined as the distance an object covers by time, which means that speed is equal to distance. It is usually measured in meters per second. Velocity, which is usually abbreviated as â€Å"V,† is proven by the formulae V= displacement/ time. This means that for there to be any velocity, there has to be a displacement of an object, which is subject to the time that it covers usually measured in seconds. This article looks at the various velocity forces that are effected in soccer among various world known soccer players. It looks at the differences in horizontal and vertical velocity while still keeping focus on accuracy, which is hitting the goal. Velocity acceleration shows how an object changes its speed overtime within a given duration of time. When the object is travelling at a constant velocity, it means that the object is travelling at a steady speed in a particular direction. When an objects speed is increased when moving to a partic ular direction, it means that the object is referred to be accelerating. Contrary, if the object is reducing its speed, the object is said to be decelerating. In a mathematical approach, we can derive the formulae of velocity as follows. Average Velocity (V) = change in position = Displacement (D) Time (T) Time (T) One of the velocities that affect soccer is angular velocity. This special measure is used to evaluate the speed at which an object such as a soccer ball spins if it is locating on its axis in a circular movement. Soccer balls are usually circular in shape. This measure is usually described in radians per second or per minute. In other measures, it is usually measured in cycle per minute or even rotations per minute. If the soccer ball is measured in rotations, we describe this as rotational speed. Secondly, we have horizontal velocity. This special measure is used to evaluate the speed at which an object such as a soccer ball moves in a horizontal direction over a given time. Similarly, to the angular velocity, the horizontal velocity measure the speed, distance covered, and time spent by that object to cover that distance. It involves the displacement of an object from one position to another. The third type of velocity is the vertical velocity. This involves the displacement of an object such as a soccer ball to move vertically into a higher position from its original surface or to move vertically from a higher surface towards a lower position without moving into another direction. An example can be hitting a soccer ball into the air, vertically, or throwing a stone upwards aiming to hit a bird that is up in the air. All this types of velocities are used in the soccer game. They involve the players hitting the ball to pass to a different player, or aiming to score a goal. Velocity has a direct relation with soccer. When a player hits the ball, it accelerates and gains speed or velocity. This happens in that the ball moves to the direction, which is hit. However, this ball reduces the speed as it moves to the direction. A cause of this reduction in speed is often due to the resistance that the soccer ball faces. One of the causes is wind. The ball displaces the air where it is headed to, which causes resistance. This in turn slows the ball and eventually slows down. A recent research was carried out on the effect of velocity on soccer. It involves soccer players Marco Van Basten, Dennis Bergkamp, Lionell Messi and Robin Van Persie. These soccer players

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Marriage and Ethnicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marriage and Ethnicity - Essay Example A young, beautiful single female, is seeking a partnership between the ages of 26-32. Your culture is immaterial since I wouldn’t mind sharing experience from other cultures as well as getting to learn and integrate. He should be ready to raise a family. He should be about 5’5 tall. Have a muscular body, be handsome, generous and with a good sense of humor.He should be ready to settle in the southern part of the continent in the country of their choice. He should be kind, understanding loving and financially stable. Should not be so much bound to traditions; only the most important. Of great importance is that should be ready for a long lasting relationship.Dancing should be part of his hobbies to complement what I love doing most. A lady single from the Navajo community is seeking a partner. Age 20, he should be a good warrior. Should be able to fend for his family and lay food on the table on a daily basis despite all odds. He should have the ability to make jewelry as well as his own weapons that he would use for various purposes such as hunting and tending farms. In connection to that, he should be able to tend well to his farm and livestock and ensure a good harvest and proper storage for future use. He should be a man of respect always being the first greet his elders and in-laws especially if meeting for the first time. To prove that he can care for his family the man should have a history of successful leadership experience. He should be a good storyteller, as well as having good dancing skills. ... Age 20, he should be a good warrior. Should be able to fend for his family and lay food on the table on a daily basis despite all odds. He should have the ability to make jewellery as well as his own weapons that he would use for various purposes such as hunting and tending farms. In connection to that he should be able to tend well to his farm and livestock, and ensure good harvest and proper storage for future use. He should be a man of respect always being the first greet his elders and in-laws especially if meeting for the first time. To prove that he can care for his family the man should have a history of successful leadership experience. He should be a good story teller, as well as having good dancing skills. Being a member of the community council or hailing from an honourable and respected family would be an added advantage. After marriage we should settle on his parents’ home to raise a family. Marriage and the Social Aspect   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Betwe en a man and a woman marriage is considered as  the strongest bond in any relationship. Most people do not marry from their own clans and  therefore  when two people are getting into a union, each one of them is expectant of the other since they are from different cultures. The different aspects of their culture immediately manifest at the wedding where all the parties are involved a have a say to what they feel is a good wedding in line with their culture. Every Individual has different expectations and assumptions that are deeply rooted within them. They should  therefore  be brought out in the open and be discussed for the success of the marriage  (Michael, 1987). The cultural heritage possessed by an individual will form their views towards different

Monday, November 18, 2019

Speech Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Speech Class - Essay Example We got a really a good package and it includes: Car, ticket and the hotel. In this day , we did not sleep we were staying all the day until the day after and at 8 we were on the Denver airport. we went to the rental car office and we gave him the conifrmation number for us and my friend for his licence to get a copy of it. When he just took it and went thru the copy machine he just came back and said: sorry we can not give you the car because you are under 21 and I was under 21 too...!!! The problem is we were planning to go and visit many places, I was sleepy a littile , but when I heard that I got dissapinted ( lol ) and my friend too , and then we told him we already rented an online so we already have a conifrmation number and we tried with him like for half an hour and then he said ok but you will be charging more double more .. The car which we already chose it in the site was : Musting Shelby GT 500 comfortable 2008, but he said because you are under 21 it should be much much much expesive arround 2600$. Then we rented the regular Musting which was much lesser than the Shelby GT. Then , we were looking to the restaurant we were hungury and we didnt eat anything for 4 hours in the plane because we were sleeping, we found a nice little Mexican restaurant right on the beach. Two guys were playing live music with an acoustic guitar. It was a pretty pleasant experience, except for the fact that we were exhausted after flying for over four hours. We bought passes to the Disney World complex that gave us a lot of freedom. The passes that we bought was a regular one but then we discovered that they have two kinds of passes for the 4 parks: the express one and the regular one. For the express pass you dont have to wait on the line unless too many people have the same pass card as you have. But after two or three days, everything started to look the same. That’s when I began to notice how some of the people acted

Friday, November 15, 2019

Buddhism In East Asian Culture History Essay

Buddhism In East Asian Culture History Essay Buddhism is a mixture between a religion and a philosophy compromised of various beliefs, practices, and traditions. Although Buddhism had originally derived from India, it has come to be more associated with East Asian cultures, mainly China and Korea. Nevertheless, these two countries do not completely share the same doctrines; they are not identical. Each region received and accepted Buddhism in a different manner, as they already had their own religion deeply rooted. For instance, the Chinese had embraced the principles of Confucianism and Daoism, and the Koreans believed in Shamanism, the indigenous religion that emphasized spiritual rites and nature. Therefore, it was inevitable that the introduction of Buddhism to these three East Asian countries were not accepted at once. Nevertheless, China and Korea gradually coalesced and adopted Buddhism with their native religious faiths and ethical beliefs. The contributions of Buddhism resulted in overall advancements in both China and Korea. In spite of the conflict that was encountered by the introduction of Buddhism into the already dynamic religions, the principles of Buddhism ultimately conglomerated with the preexisting religions to produce enhancements in China and Korea in various aspects such as _____. Buddhism was born in India. It first spread to China, and then to Korea. It is said that it is uncertain when or how the Chinese first came into contact with Buddhism, but according to the official tradition, Buddhism seems to have reached China by 100 C.E. (de Bary,415 420). Therefore, it can be surmised that the religion was first introduced when Buddhist worshipers came into China from India. Then, Buddhism made its way across China and to the Three Kingdoms of Korea. And because Koguruo is closes to China and is actually bordered by China, it was naturally the first kingdom introduced to Buddhism in 372 C.E. For the same reason of geographical locations, Paekche received Buddhism second in 384 C.E., and finally Silla, much later in 527 C.E. (Lee, 34). Both China and Korea were influenced by the receiving of Buddhism from India; yet because the time period in which they received it, and the order they received it differs, In China, Buddhism was not easily accepted for it met opposition with firm believers of Confucianism and Daoism. It was ultimately acknowledged after having found a mutual premise, and was considered one of the Three Religions among Confucianism and Daoism. However, it was not easy for Buddhism to wrestle against the prevailing religions. For instance, for the conservative and orthodox Chinese, they could not understand why they had to shave their heads and conform to these foreign ways. The Confucians held that the body is the gift of ones parents and that to harm it is to be disrespectful toward them. (de Bary 423). It was one of the requirements for all members of the Buddhist clergy to shave their heads; however, it was met with aversion from the Chinese for they believed that they should not injure any parts of their body. Certain ideas of Buddhism such as the practice of shaving heads were seen as too different for the Chinese to adhere to. Nevertheless, as mentioned previously, Buddhism was eventually adopted by the Chinese. The turning points of these oppositions were the works of Mouzi, a Chinese author who believed that it was possible to be a good Chinese and a good Buddhist at the same time, that there is no fundamental conflict between the two ways of life, and that the great truths preached by Buddhism are preached, if in somewhat different language, by Confucianism and Daoism as well. (de Bary 422). He claimed that people should not have to decide on one religion, but that certain aspects of both sides can be drawn and implemented together. Mouzi also stated that the Chinese should not reject Buddhism for its differences, but rather embrace the ideas that do not conflict with their own. (de Bary 425). Additionally, he discovered that there are similarities between the Three Religions regarding their practices and beliefs. For instance, when asked about the concept of Immortality and how to achieve it, Mouzi exp lained: Talk to immortality is superstitious and unfounded; it is not the word of the sages. Laozi said, Even Heaven and Earth cannot last forever. How much less can human beings!Confucius said, The wise man leaves the world, but humaneness and filial piety last forever.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Yao died; Shun had his [place of burial at] Mount Cangwu; Yu has his tomb on Kuaijià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦To speak of immortality, is this not a great error? (de Bary 426). Mouzi gave examples of the teachings of each religious leader, and proved how immortality in all aspects of religions does not exist. He had replied that neither Buddhism nor Daoism nor any other great leader can provide the route to immortality. With his philosophies, Mouzi was able to slowly connect the Buddhist doctrine to the indigenous, traditional ways of Confucianism and Daoism. The people of China ultimately accepted Buddhism after all of the obstacles and resistance. In Korea, Buddhism was introduced by a Chinese monk to each of the three Kingdoms: first to Koguryu, then to Paekche, then finally to Silla. The Buddhist religion was not received easily by the Koreans, but was met with less hostility than the Chinese. The kingdom of Silla was the most isolated region of the three, and was not yet prepared to accept Buddhist doctrine. The people of Silla held strongly onto their original values and ways of life. (Lee 42). For instance, the twenty-third king of Silla was a monk named Popkong who wanted to spread Buddhism throughout his kingdom. However, his suggestion was greeted by dispute and discrepancy by his ministers. His ministers were against the idea of erecting a building for a monastery when the kingdom of Silla was undergoing hardships due to the lack of crop production and the ongoing battles with neighboring states. (Lee 42). Eventually King Popkong got his wish, Buddhist dieties were spread, and the first monastery was established durin g King Popkongs reign. However, this obstacle was overcome with great sacrifice by the Grand Secretary, who put his life at risk to try to prove to the ministers of Buddhism as the eternal religion. (Lee 42). After the Grand Secretary sacrificed himself, strange things began to happen in the heavens. The sun darkened, wonderful flowers rained from heaven, and the earth trembled violentlyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Lee, 43). And with these signs, the king and his officials decided to take an oath to worship the Buddha. Buddhism eventually spread to the three Kingdoms and coalesced with Shamanism, which was Koreas deeply rooted religion, in order to construct a novel belief system that connected the Buddhist idols and the Shamanisms Holy Mother. (Lee, 51). For instance, trees in the Forest of the Heavenly Mirror felled in order to build a monastery. (Lee, 43). The quote above perfectly exemplifies how room was finally made for this new religion called Buddhism in Korean culture in which the tree s represent Shamanism, and the monastery represents Buddhism. Overall, the integration of Buddhism into Korean religion happened more abruptly than in China for the leaders of Korea had legally established Buddhism as its state religion. After struggles, Buddhism finally won the hearts of _____.After Buddhist beliefs have been accepted by the Chinese, Buddhism seemed to have impacted the Chinese in various ways. The coming of Buddhism to China was an event of far-reaching importance in the development of Chinese thought and culture and of Buddhism itself (de Bary 415). First of all, Buddhism brought forth to China a new way of thinking, and opened the minds of its people as it gave the Chinese different perspectives. Also, the influence of Buddhism was great during the unification of northern and southern China Buddhism played an important role in influencing the Chinese people, and had affected their ways and beliefs in areas such as aesthetics, literature, medicine, and philosophy. Buddhism had a great impact on China through its acceptance in Korea, for China The message of Chinese Buddhism to Korea was______________. Buddhism played an important role in influencing the Korean people, and had affected their ways and beliefs in areas such as aesthetics, literature, medicine, and philosophy. Although Silla was the latest recipient, Silla prospered the most from Buddhist doctrine It is important to understand the What contributions did Buddhism make to East Asian culture? What obstacles did it have to overcome, and how did the native culture respond?

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Future Of Cloning Essay -- Science Genetics Essays

The Future Of Cloning On July 5, 1996, a sheep named Dolly was born, having been cloned from an adult sheep cell. This event brought with it a swirl of controversy regarding the implications of cloning. Just days after the event, Bill Clinton banned all federal funding for human cloning research in order to analyze the legal and ethical ramifications of human cloning. Cloning of both humans and animals has amazing potential in research and medicine, but there are drawbacks. There are many ethical, philosophical, and religious objections to cloning, especially the cloning of humans. In this paper I hope to convince you that both human and animal cloning are veins of research that are worth pursuing and that only some divisions of human cloning should have restrictions placed on them. Animal cloning has many potential applications. According to The National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC), "Some of the immediate goals of this research are: to generate groups of genetically identical animals for research purposes to rapidly propagate desirable animals stocks to improve the efficiency of generating and propagating transgenic livestock to produce targeted genetic alterations in domestic animals to pursue basic knowledge about cell differentiation" (p. 24). Cloning sets of animals that are genetically identical would be beneficial to research scientists because it would eliminate differences in results due to genetic differences in the test subjects. Livestock owners could benefit from genetically identical copies of specimens containing traits the owner found desirable. Cows and pigs that produce larger quantities of useable meat and dairy cattle that produce larger amounts of milk are some examples. Some h... ...ake it's course. I placed this reference page here because Alec was accurate in his work. However, the formatting, as I have said before, gets messed up when I transfer data to html pages. Sometimes I can work it out, sometimes I can't, so if you see something contrary to your Handbook, it wasn't Alec's mistake. References Cloning Special Report [10 paragraphs]. New Scientist [online serial], 158.2129.Available Nash, Madeline J. (1998, February 9). The Case For Cloning [10 paragraphs]. [online serial], 151.5. Available http;// ........dom/980209/science.the_case_for_clo26.html National Bioethics Advisory Commission. (1997, June). Cloning Human Beings: Report And Recommendations Of The National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Rockville, Maryland